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Maintaining Business Continuity

Coronavirus Information Hub

Helping you plan for what you can control now to stop the spread of infection while minimizing cost.

What your company should be doing right now.

Limit group meetings:

  • Groups of 10 people or more should be avoided. It is recommended for companies to change all meetings to a virtual platform instead of meeting in person. Webinars are becoming essential for companies to maintain business operations during this time.
  • Try to avoid areas with crowds of more than 10 people. Take everyday precautions to keep space between yourself and others. When you go out in public, keep away from others who are sick, limit close contact, and wash your hands often.
  • CDC guidelines have changed to recommend cloth masks for anyone who is out of the house in a populated area. Masks should also be used by people who have COVID-19 and are showing symptoms, to protect others from the risk of getting infected.

Reduce non-essential travel:

If you must travel for business or personal reasons, practice the following precautions:

  • Avoid contact with people who are sick.
  • Wash hands often with soap and water for 15-20 seconds. Use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not available.
  • Older adults and travelers with underlying health issues may be at risk for more severe disease.

Clean hands and common areas: 

  • Clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces daily.
  • Wear disposable gloves when cleaning and disinfecting surfaces. Gloves should be discarded after each cleaning. If reusable gloves are used, those gloves should be dedicated for cleaning and disinfection of surfaces for COVID-19 and should not be used for other purposes. Consult the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning and disinfection products used.
  • Clean hands immediately after gloves are removed.
  • After cleaning: Launder items as appropriate in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. If possible, launder items using the warmest appropriate water setting for the items and dry items completely or use products with the EPA-approved emerging viral pathogens claims that are suitable for porous surfaces.

Use effective cleaning agents:

  • If surfaces are dirty, they should be cleaned using a detergent or soap and water prior to disinfection. For disinfection, diluted household bleach solutions, alcohol solutions with at least 70% alcohol, and most common EPA-registered household disinfectants should be effective.
  • Diluted household bleach solutions can be used if appropriate for the surface. Follow manufacturer’s instructions for application and proper ventilation. Check to ensure the product is not past its expiration date.
  • Never mix household bleach with ammonia or any other cleanser. Unexpired household bleach will be effective against coronaviruses when properly diluted. Prepare a bleach solution by mixing: 5 tablespoons (1/3rd cup) bleach per gallon of water or 4 teaspoons bleach per quart of water.
  • Products with EPA-approved emerging viral pathogens are expected to be effective against COVID-19 based on data for harder to kill viruses. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for all cleaning and disinfection products (e.g., concentration, application method and contact time, etc.).
  • For soft (porous) surfaces such as carpeted floor, rugs, and drapes, remove visible contamination if present and clean with appropriate cleaners indicated for use on these surfaces.

Watch our Coronavirus for Companies webinar series.